This is Bob, owner and operator of B&A. He is the father of five children and one grandson,
and husband to Lisa. You can find him at the Cottage Grove shop or working on his greasweep
project. He has worked in the automotive industry for over 35 years.
He is also a distributor for Greassweep. This Supper Absorbent product is safe for the environment and
easy to handle. For more information on this product contact Robert.
This is Adam,
Bob's brother. Adam is a single father and has two sons. You can find him at the Cottage Grove shop. He's the one who answers
the phone, makes appointments, fixes your vehicle and keeps the shop running smothly.
Adam was a Firefighter for 10 years, and has worked in the automotive industry for over 25 years.
He enjoys spending his days off with his son Nathaniel.
This is Robert Nichols, many of you know him because he has lived in this town forever.
He is the father of two children and the grandfather of two. On his days off he enjoys spending it with his wife Sheila and
their grandkids.
This is Cheryl. Some people call her Lucki ,
but most everyone calls her Mom. She is the office manager. She's the one that takes care of all that paper work. She has 10 gran'children and
6 great-grans. She works out 5 days a week and does zumba.